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Friday, September 12, 2008 | posted in | 1 comments

A Home Miles Away From Home
Bangalore is considered to be the IT city of India, wherein approximately 150 students adds up the total every year and 100 are working class. The Arunachal Pradesh Student in Bangalore had gathered together on 7th of September’08 to form APSWAB (Arunachal Pradesh Student Welfare Association of Bangalooru), where around 450 Students came all around from Bangalore to be in a Family. The meeting was held on Mathigere area wherein all student shared their opinion regarding the importance of Union.

During the meeting the cabinet members were selected according to their Potentiality. Bangalore is a big city where the tiny population of Arunachal Pradesh is spread in various areas of Bangalore as a result we become completely strangers. The Motto of Student union is interaction, hospitality, welfare of the Student and visitors.

Message from the President – “Parents you need not worry; we are family now and we will stay as a family forever”.
Cabinet Members
Head of the Family(President) – Mida Pertin (MBA IIIrd sem)
Contact no. 9902772811
Vice President – Jackie Boje(pada)
General secretary – Likha Raja
Contact no. 9739656523
Assistant general secretary- liyi diyum
Action Chairman – Karken Belo
Sports Secretary – Bijay Yangpo
Cultural Secretary – Millo Tadu
Hospitality secretary – shakter niji
Conveynor---nanu hakum
Treasurer—royir ado
Auditor – Toko Anu

on September 19, 2008 at 4:56 AM  

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